Source code for anadama2.grid.sge

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import sys
import time
import tempfile
import pwd

import six

from .grid import Grid
from .grid import GridWorker
from .grid import GridQueue

from .. import runners
from .. import picklerunner
from ..util import underscore
from ..util import find_on_path
from ..util import keyrename, keepkeys

if == 'posix' and sys.version_info[0] < 3:
    import subprocess32 as subprocess
    import subprocess

[docs]class SGE(Grid): """This class enables the Workflow class to dispatch tasks to Sun Grid Engine and its lookalikes. Use it like so: .. code:: python from anadama2 import Workflow from anadama2.sge import SGE ctx = Workflow(grid_powerup=SGE(queue="general"))"wget " "" "HMMCP/finalData/hmp1.v35.hq.otu.counts.bz2 " "-O @{input/hmp1.v35.hq.otu.counts.bz2}") # run on sge with 200 MB of memory, 4 cores, and 60 minutes t1 = ctx.grid_do("pbzip2 -d -p 4 < #{input/hmp1.v35.hq.otu.counts.bz2} " "> @{input/hmp1.v35.hq.otu.counts}", mem=200, cores=4, time=60) # run on sge on the serial_requeue queue ctx.grid_add_task("some_huge_analysis {depends[0]} {targets[0]}", depends=t1.targets, targets="output.txt", mem=4000, cores=1, time=300, partition="serial_requeue") ctx.go() :param partition: The name of the SLURM partition to submit tasks to :type partition: str :param tmpdir: A directory to store temporary files in. All machines in the cluster must be able to read the contents of this directory; uses :mod:`anadama2.picklerunner` to create self-contained scripts to run individual tasks and calls ``srun`` to run the script on the cluster. :type tmpdir: str :keyword benchmark_on: Option to turn on/off benchmarking : type benchmark_on: bool :keyword options: Grid specific options to apply to each job :type options: str """ def __init__(self, partition, tmpdir, benchmark_on=None, options=None, environment=None): super(SGE, self).__init__("sge", GridWorker, SGEQueue(partition, benchmark_on, options, environment), tmpdir, benchmark_on)
class SGEQueue(GridQueue): def __init__(self, partition, benchmark_on=None, options=None, environment=None): super(SGEQueue, self).__init__(partition, benchmark_on) self.options=options self.environment=environment self.job_code_completed="COMPLETED" self.job_code_error="FAILED" self.job_code_terminated="TERMINATED" self.job_code_deleted="DELETED" self.all_failed_codes=[self.job_code_error,self.job_code_terminated,self.job_code_deleted] self.all_stopped_codes=[self.job_code_completed]+self.all_failed_codes # allow for jobs to be terminated when about to reach the memory requested self.memory_buffer = 1024 @staticmethod def submit_command(grid_script): return ["qsub",grid_script] def submit_template(self): template = [ "#$$ -q ${partition}", "#$$ -pe smp ${cpus}", "#$$ -l h_rt=${time}", "#$$ -l h_vmem=${memory}m", "#$$ -o ${output}", "#$$ -e ${error}"] # add user supplied options if provided if self.options: template+=["#$$ "+option for option in self.options] # add user supplied environment commands if provided if self.environment: template+=self.environment return template def job_failed(self,status): # check if the job has a status that it failed return True if status in self.all_failed_codes else False def job_stopped(self,status): # check if the job has a status which indicates it stopped running return True if status in self.all_stopped_codes else False def job_memkill(self, status, jobid, memory): # check if the job was killed because it used too much memory new_status, cpus, new_time, new_memory = self.get_benchmark(jobid) # if memory is not yet available for the job, wait for a new benchmark if new_memory == "NA": new_status, cpus, new_time, new_memory = self.get_benchmark(jobid, wait=True) try: exceed_allocation = True if (float(new_memory) + self.memory_buffer) > float(memory) else False except ValueError: exceed_allocation = False return True if exceed_allocation and new_status == self.job_code_terminated else False def job_timeout(self, status, jobid, time): # check if the job was killed because it used too much memory new_status, cpus, new_time, new_memory = self.get_benchmark(jobid) # if time is not yet available for the job, wait for a new benchmark if new_time == "NA": new_status, cpus, new_time, new_memory = self.get_benchmark(jobid, wait=True) try: exceed_allocation = True if float(new_time) > float(time) else False except ValueError: exceed_allocation = False return True if exceed_allocation and new_status == self.job_code_terminated else False def refresh_queue_status(self): """ Get the latest status for the grid jobs using the same command for jobs in the queue and for completed jobs to benchmark """ # Get the jobid and state for all jobs pending/running/completed for the current user qacct_stdout=self.run_grid_command_resubmit(["qacct","-o",pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0],"-j","*"]) # info list should include jobid, state, cpus, time, and maxrss info=[] job_status=[] for line in qacct_stdout.split("\n"): if line.startswith("jobnumber") or line.startswith("job_number"): if job_status: info.append(job_status) job_status=[line.rstrip().split()[-1],"NA","NA","NA","NA"] # get the states for completed jobs elif line.startswith("failed"): failed_code = line.rstrip().split()[1] if failed_code != "0": if failed_code in ["37","100"]: job_status[1]=self.job_code_terminated else: job_status[1]=self.job_code_error elif line.startswith("deleted_by"): if line.rstrip().split()[-1] != "NONE" and job_status[1] == self.job_code_terminated: job_status[1]=self.job_code_deleted elif line.startswith("exit_status"): # only record if status has not yet been set if job_status[1] == "NA": exit_status = line.rstrip().split()[-1] if exit_status == "0": job_status[1]=self.job_code_completed elif exit_status == "137": job_status[1]=self.job_code_terminated else: job_status[1]=self.job_code_error # get the current state for running jobs elif line.startswith("job_state"): job_status[1]=line.rstrip().split()[-1] elif line.startswith("slots"): job_status[2]=line.rstrip().split()[-1] elif line.startswith("ru_wallclock"): try: # get the elapsed time in minutes job_status[3]=str(float(line.rstrip().split()[-1])/60.0) except ValueError: job_status[3]="NA" elif line.startswith("ru_maxrss"): job_status[4]=line.rstrip().split()[-1]+"K" if job_status: info.append(job_status) return info