Source code for anadama2.grid.slurm

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import re
import sys
import logging
import itertools
import time

import six

from .grid import Grid
from .grid import GridWorker
from .grid import GridQueue

if == 'posix' and sys.version_info[0] < 3:
    import subprocess32 as subprocess
    import subprocess

[docs]class Slurm(Grid): """This class enables the Workflow class to dispatch tasks to SLURM. Use it like so: .. code:: python from anadama2 import Workflow from anadama2.slurm import Slurm powerup = Slurm(partition="general") ctx = Workflow(grid=powerup)"wget " "" "HMMCP/finalData/hmp1.v35.hq.otu.counts.bz2 " "-O @{input/hmp1.v35.hq.otu.counts.bz2}") # run on slurm with 200 MB of memory, 4 cores, and 60 minutes t1 = ctx.grid_do("pbzip2 -d -p 4 < #{input/hmp1.v35.hq.otu.counts.bz2} " "> @{input/hmp1.v35.hq.otu.counts}", mem=200, cores=4, time=60) # run on slurm on the serial_requeue partition ctx.grid_add_task("some_huge_analysis {depends[0]} {targets[0]}", depends=t1.targets, targets="output.txt", mem=4000, cores=1, time=300, partition="serial_requeue") ctx.go() :param partition: The name of the SLURM partition to submit tasks to :type partition: str :param tmpdir: A directory to store temporary files in. All machines in the cluster must be able to read the contents of this directory; uses :mod:`anadama2.picklerunner` to create self-contained scripts to run individual tasks and calls ``srun`` to run the script on the cluster. :type tmpdir: str :keyword benchmark_on: Option to turn on/off benchmarking : type benchmark_on: bool :keyword options: Grid specific options to apply to each job :type options: str """ def __init__(self, partition, tmpdir, benchmark_on=None, options=None, environment=None): super(Slurm, self).__init__("slurm", GridWorker, SLURMQueue(partition, benchmark_on, options, environment), tmpdir, benchmark_on)
class SLURMQueue(GridQueue): def __init__(self, partition, benchmark_on=None, options=None, environment=None): super(SLURMQueue, self).__init__(partition, benchmark_on) self.options=options self.environment=environment self.job_code_completed="COMPLETED" self.job_code_cancelled="CANCELLED" self.job_code_failed="FAILED" self.job_code_timeout="TIMEOUT" self.job_code_memkill="MEMKILL" self.all_failed_codes=[self.job_code_failed,self.job_code_timeout,self.job_code_memkill,self.job_code_cancelled] self.all_stopped_codes=[self.job_code_completed]+self.all_failed_codes @staticmethod def submit_command(grid_script): return ["sbatch",grid_script] def submit_template(self): template = [ "#SBATCH -p ${partition}", "#SBATCH -N 1 ", "#SBATCH -n ${cpus}", "#SBATCH -t ${time}", "#SBATCH --mem ${memory}", "#SBATCH -o ${output}", "#SBATCH -e ${error}"] # add user supplied options if provided if self.options: template+=["#SBATCH "+option for option in self.options] # add user supplied environment commands if provided if self.environment: template+=self.environment return template def job_failed(self,status): # check if the job has a status that it failed # This will capture "CANCELLED by 0" and the short form "CANCELLED+" return True if status.startswith(self.job_code_cancelled) or status in self.all_failed_codes else False def job_stopped(self,status): # check if the job has a status which indicates it stopped running # This will capture "CANCELLED by 0" and the short form "CANCELLED+" return True if status.startswith(self.job_code_cancelled) or status in self.all_stopped_codes else False def job_memkill(self, status, jobid, memory): return True if status == self.job_code_memkill else False def job_timeout(self, status, jobid, time): return True if status == self.job_code_timeout else False def get_job_status_from_stderr(self, error_file, grid_job_status, grid_jobid): # read the error file to see if any time or memory errors were reported try: slurm_errors=subprocess.check_output(["grep","-i","slurmstepd: error\|killed",error_file]).split("\n") except (EnvironmentError, subprocess.CalledProcessError): slurm_errors=[] if slurm_errors: # check for time or memory if list(filter(lambda x: "TIME LIMIT" in x and self.job_code_cancelled in x, slurm_errors)):"Slurm task %s cancelled due to time limit", grid_jobid) # This has the slurm status of "TIMEOUT" from slurm sacct grid_job_status=self.job_code_timeout elif list(filter(lambda x: "exceeded memory limit" in x and "being killed" in x, slurm_errors)) or \ all([i in "\n".join(slurm_errors).lower() for i in ["exceeded","memory limit","killed"]]):"Slurm task %s cancelled due to memory limit", grid_jobid) # This has the slurm status of "CANCELLED by 0" from slurm sacct (short form is "CANCELLED+") # It might also have the slurm status of FAILED grid_job_status=self.job_code_memkill return grid_job_status def refresh_queue_status(self): """ Get the latest status for the grid jobs using the same command for jobs in the queue and for completed jobs to benchmark """ # Get the jobid, state, and resources for all jobs for the current user stdout=self.run_grid_command_resubmit(["sacct","-o","JobID,State,AllocCPUs,Elapsed,MaxRSS"]) # remove the header information from the status lines # split each line and remove empty lines try: info=filter(lambda x: x, [line.rstrip().split() for line in stdout.split("\n")[2:]]) except IndexError: info=[] # now merge the lines for each job so there is only a single item for each job # the batch line includes the final MAXRSS merged_info={} for line in info: if not "." in line[0]: merged_info[line[0]]=line elif ".ba" in line[0]: try: merged_info[line[0].split(".")[0]].append(line[-1]) except KeyError: pass info=merged_info.values() return list(info)