Source code for anadama2.helpers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Contains functions that help create tasks. All functions contained
herein are intended for use with
:meth:`anadama2.workflow.Workflow.add_task`. This means that the functions
in here don't immediately do what they say; they return functions
that, when called, do that they say (they're closures). Sorry if that
breaks your brain.

Using closures lets you add tasks like this:

.. code:: python

  from anadama2 import Workflow
  from anadama2.helpers import sh

  ctx = Workflow()
  ctx.add_task(sh("my fancy shell command"),

Instead of this:

.. code:: python

  from anadama2 import Workflow
  from anadama2.util import sh # <--- note the different import

  ctx = Workflow()
  ctx.add_task(lambda task: sh("my fancy shell command"),


import os
import shutil
import logging
import re

import six

from .util import sh as _sh
from .util import sugar_list

from .reporters import SHELL_COMMAND

[docs]def file_size(depends): """ Return the size of the file in GB """ # allow for paths to files and also dependency classes file_name = depends if hasattr(depends,"name"): file_name = try: size = os.path.getsize(file_name) / (1024.0**3) except (OSError, AttributeError): size = 0 return size
[docs]def apply_sh(actions): """Add the shell function to any actions that are strings""" return [ a if six.callable(a) else sh(a, log_command=False) for a in actions ]
[docs]def sh(s, log_command=True, **kwargs): """Execute a shell command. All further keywords are passed to :class:`subprocess.Popen` :param s: The command to execute. Passed directly to a shell, so be careful about doing things like ``sh('df -h > data; rm -rf /')``; both commands are executed and bad things will happen. :type s: str """ def actually_sh(task=None): logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if log_command: kwargs['shell'] = True ret = _sh(s, **kwargs)"Execution complete. Stdout: %s\nStderr: %s", ret[0] or '', ret[1] or '') return actually_sh
[docs]def format_command(command, **kwargs): """Format the shell command to allow for special variables Here's a synopsis of common use cases: - ``[targets[0]]`` is formatted to the first target - ``[depends[2]]`` is formatted to the third dependency Extra keyword arguments are also added to the formatting keyword arguments. Thus, adding a keyword argument of ``threads=1`` makes ``[threads]`` be formatted to ``1`` in the shell command. :type s: str """ # start with the longest keys for replacement first keys=sorted(kwargs.keys(), key=len) # store the original command, incase needed for error message original_command = command # replace instances of "[key]" with value # for values that are lists, replace "[key[0]]" with value for key in keys: replacement=kwargs[key] if isinstance(replacement, list) or isinstance(replacement, tuple): for i, item in enumerate(replacement): command=command.replace("["+str(key)+"["+str(i)+"]]",str(item)) # for lists/tuples with one item, allow for index to not be included if len(replacement) == 1: command=command.replace("["+str(key)+"]",str(replacement[0])) else: command=command.replace("["+str(key)+"]",str(replacement)) # also allow for the item to be referenced as the first object command=command.replace("["+str(key)+"[0]]",str(replacement)) # check for any keywords in the command that were not replaced # allow for bash test constructs if"\[[a-zA-Z]",command): message="Unable to replace all keys in command. " message+="Original command: "+original_command+" " message+="Final formatted command: "+command+" " raise KeyError(message) return command
[docs]def parse_sh(s, **kwargs): """Do the same thing as :func:``, but do some extra interpreting and formatting of the shell command before handing it over to the shell. For formatting information, see :func:`anadama2.helpers.format_command`. :type s: str """ def actually_sh(task): fmtd = format_command(s, depends=task.depends, targets=task.targets, **kwargs) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)"Executing with shell: "+fmtd) ret = _sh(fmtd, shell=True)"Execution complete. Stdout: %s\nStderr: %s", ret[0] or '', ret[1] or '') return actually_sh
[docs]def system(args_list, stdin=None, stdout=None, stdout_clobber=None, stderr=None, stderr_clobber=None, working_dir=None, **kwargs): """Execute a system call (no shell will be used). All further keywords are passed to :class:`subprocess.Popen` :param args_list: The argv to be passed to the system call. :type args_list: list :keyword stdin: If provided, the name of the file to open and send to the subprocess' standard input. By default no data is sent to the process. :type stdin: str :keyword stdout: If provided, the name of the file to send output from the subprocess' standard output. Standard output is appended to the file. By default all data from the subprocess standard out is sent to the standard out of the executing process :type stdout: str :keyword stdout_clobber: If provided, the name of the file to send output from the subprocess' standard output. If the file already exists, it will be truncated before it receives writes. :type stdout_clobber: str :keyword stderr: If provided, the name of the file to send output from the subprocess' standard error output. Standard error output is appended to the file. By default all data from the subprocess standard error is sent to the standard error of the executing process. :type stderr: str :keyword stderr_clobber: If provided, the name of the file to send output from the subprocess' standard error output. If the file already exists, it will be truncated before it receives writes. :type stderr_clobber: str """ kwargs.pop("shell", None) args_list = list(map(str, args_list)) __sh = _sh if working_dir is not None: def __sh(*a, **kw): prev = os.getcwd() os.chdir(working_dir) try: ret = _sh(*a, **kw) finally: os.chdir(prev) return ret def actually_system(task): files = [] if stdin: f = kwargs['stdin'] = open(stdin, 'rb') files.append(f) if stdout: f = kwargs['stdout'] = open(stdout, 'ab') files.append(f) if stdout_clobber: f = kwargs['stdout'] = open(stdout_clobber, 'wb') files.append(f) if stderr: f = kwargs['stderr'] = open(stderr, 'ab') files.append(f) if stderr_clobber: f = kwargs['stderr'] = open(stderr_clobber, 'wb') files.append(f) try: logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) "Forking subprocess %s with args %s", args_list, kwargs) ret = _sh(args_list, **kwargs)"Execution complete. Stdout: %s\nStderr: %s", ret[0] or '', ret[1] or '') finally: for f in files: f.close() return ret return actually_system
[docs]def rm(to_rm, ignore_missing=True): """Remove files using :func:`os.remove`. :param to_rm: The filename or filenames to remove. :type to_rm: str or list of str :keyword ignore_missing: If one of the filenames isn't a file, don't raise an exception :type ignore_missing: bool """ def actually_rm(task): for f in sugar_list(to_rm): if os.path.isfile(f) or not ignore_missing: logging.getLogger(__name__).info("Removing "+f) os.remove(f) return actually_rm
[docs]def rm_r(to_rm, ignore_missing=True): """Recursively remove files and directories using :func:`shutil.rmtree`. :param to_rm: The filename or filenames to remove. :type to_rm: str or list of str :keyword ignore_missing: If one of the filenames isn't a file, don't raise an exception :type ignore_missing: bool """ def actually_rm_r(task): for f in sugar_list(to_rm): logging.getLogger(__name__).info("Removing recursively: "+f) shutil.rmtree(f, ignore_errors=ignore_missing) return actually_rm_r