Source code for anadama2.reporters

import os
import sys
import logging
import multiprocessing
import collections

import six
import string
import time

from .util import mkdirp
from .tracked import TrackedExecutable

LOG_FILE_NAME = "anadama.log"

[docs]def default(output_dir=None, log_level=None): log = LOG_FILE_NAME if not output_dir: output_dir=os.getcwd() log = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(output_dir, log)) return ReporterGroup([ LoggerReporter(log_level, log), VerboseConsoleReporter() ])
[docs]class BaseReporter(object): """The base reporter defines functionality similar amongst all reporters. The workflow that executes the hooks defined can be accessed at ``self.run_context``. """
[docs] def started(self, run_context): """Executed when a run is started, usually when :meth:`anadama2.workflow.Workflow.go` is executed. """ self.run_context = run_context raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def task_skipped(self, task_no): """Executed when anadama determines that a task needn't be run. :param task_no: The task number of the task that is skipped. To get the actual :class:`anadama2.Task` object that's being skipped, do ``self.run_context.tasks[task_no]``. :type task_no: int """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def task_started(self, task_no): """Executed when anadama is just about to execute a task. These tasks are in the queue and waiting for available resources. :param task_no: The task number of the task that is being started. To get the actual :class:`anadama2.Task` object that's being executed, do ``self.run_context.tasks[task_no]``. :type task_no: int """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def task_running(self, task_no): """Executed when anadama is ready to run a task. :param task_no: The task number of the task that is being started. To get the actual :class:`anadama2.Task` object that's being executed, do ``self.run_context.tasks[task_no]``. :type task_no: int """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def task_command(self, task_no): """Executed when anadama is ready to run a task. Logs the command and version of any tracked executables. :param task: The task number of the task that is being started. To get the actual :class:`anadama2.Task` object that's being executed, do ``self.run_context.tasks[task_no]``. :type task_no: int """ pass
[docs] def task_failed(self, task_result): """Executed when a task fails. :param task_no: The task number of the task that failed . To get the actual :class:`anadama2.Task` object that failed, do ``self.run_context.tasks[task_no]``. To get the task result of the task that failed, do``self.run_context.task_results[task_no]`` :type task_no: int """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def task_completed(self, task_result): """Executed when a task completes with no errors. :param task_no: The task number of the task that succeeded . To get the actual :class:`anadama2.Task` object that succeeded, do ``self.run_context.tasks[task_no]``. To get the task result of the task that succeeded, do``self.run_context.task_results[task_no]`` :type task_no: int """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def finished(self): """Executed when a run finishes. This method is called whether there are task failures or not. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def task_grid_status(self, task_no, grid_id, status_message): """Executed when anadama has grid information for a task. These messages are reported when the status for a grid task has changed. :param task_no: The task number of the task that is being started. To get the actual :class:`anadama2.Task` object that's being executed, do ``self.run_context.tasks[task_no]``. :param grid_id: The id of the grid job. :param status_message: The grid status message. :type task_no: int """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def task_grid_status_polling(self, task_no, grid_id, status_message): """Executed when anadama has grid information for a task at set polling intervals. Status may repeat at each interval. :param task_no: The task number of the task that is being started. To get the actual :class:`anadama2.Task` object that's being executed, do ``self.run_context.tasks[task_no]``. :param grid_id: The id of the grid job. :param status_message: The grid status message. :type task_no: int """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class ReporterGroup(BaseReporter): """Sometimes you want to use multiple reporters. For that, there is ReporterGroup. Here's an example usage: .. code:: python from anadama2.reporters import ReporterGroup my_grouped_reporter = ReporterGroup([custom_reporter_a, custom_reporter_b, custom_reporter_c]) ... ctx.go(reporter=my_grouped_reporter) """ def __init__(self, other_reporters): self.reps = other_reporters
[docs] def started(self, ctx): for r in self.reps: r.started(ctx)
[docs] def task_skipped(self, task_no): for r in self.reps: r.task_skipped(task_no)
[docs] def task_started(self, task_no): for r in self.reps: r.task_started(task_no)
[docs] def task_running(self, task_no): for r in self.reps: r.task_running(task_no)
[docs] def task_command(self, task_no): for r in self.reps: r.task_command(task_no)
[docs] def task_failed(self, task_result): for r in self.reps: r.task_failed(task_result)
[docs] def task_completed(self, task_result): for r in self.reps: r.task_completed(task_result)
[docs] def finished(self): for r in self.reps: r.finished()
[docs] def task_grid_status(self, task_no, grid_id, status_message): for r in self.reps: r.task_grid_status(task_no, grid_id, status_message)
[docs] def task_grid_status_polling(self, task_no, grid_id, status_message): for r in self.reps: r.task_grid_status_polling(task_no, grid_id, status_message)
[docs]class ConsoleReporter(BaseReporter): """Prints out run progress to stderr. An example readout is as follows: :: (s)[ 1/ 6 - 16.67%] Track pre-existing dependencies The readout is composed of five pieces of information: 1. The task status. That's the part in the parentheses. * ``( )`` means that the task is currently being executed * ``(+)`` means that the task finished successfully * ``(s)`` means that the task was skipped * ``(!)`` means that the task failed. 2. The current task number. That's the first number in the square brackets. 3. The total number of tasks to be run or skipped. That's the number after the forward slash. 4. The percent complete of the current run. That's the number with a percent-sign next to it 5. The task name. That's the text that comes after the ending square bracket. Remember that you can set the task name with the ``name`` option to :meth:`anadama2.workflow.Workflow.add_task`. """ msg_str = six.u("({:.1})[{:3}/{:3} - {:6.2f}%] {:.57}")
[docs] class stats: skip = six.u("s") fail = six.u("!") done = six.u("+") start = six.u(" ")
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.failed_results = list() self.n_open = 0 self.multithread_mode = False def _msg(self, status, msg, c_r=False, visible=True): if self.n_open > 1 and not self.multithread_mode: self.multithread_mode = True if visible is True: sys.stderr.write(six.u('\n')) s = self.msg_str.format(status, self.n_complete, self.n_tasks, (float(self.n_complete)/self.n_tasks)*100, six.u(msg)) if self.multithread_mode is True: s += six.u("\n") elif c_r: self.n_open -= 1 s = six.u("\r") + s + six.u("\n") else: self.n_open += 1 if visible is True: sys.stderr.write(s)
[docs] def started(self, ctx): self.run_context = ctx self.reset()
[docs] def task_started(self, task_no): self._msg(self.stats.start, self.run_context.tasks[task_no].name, visible=self.run_context.tasks[task_no].visible)
[docs] def task_skipped(self, task_no): self.n_complete += 1 self._msg(self.stats.skip, self.run_context.tasks[task_no].name, True, visible=self.run_context.tasks[task_no].visible)
[docs] def task_failed(self, task_result): self.n_complete += 1 if task_result.task_no is None: return name = self.run_context.tasks[task_result.task_no].name self.failed_results.append((name, task_result)) self._msg(, name, True, visible=self.run_context.tasks[task_result.task_no].visible)
[docs] def task_completed(self, task_result): self.n_complete += 1 name = self.run_context.tasks[task_result.task_no].name self._msg(self.stats.done, name, True, visible=self.run_context.tasks[task_result.task_no].visible)
[docs] def finished(self): sys.stderr.write(six.u("Run Finished\n")) for name, result in self.failed_results: sys.stderr.write(six.u("Task {} failed\n".format(result.task_no))) sys.stderr.write(six.u(" Name: "+name+"\n")) sys.stderr.write(six.u(" Original error: \n")) for line in result.error.split("\n"): sys.stderr.write(six.u(" "+line+"\n")) self.reset()
[docs] def reset(self): self.n_tasks = len(self.run_context.tasks) self.n_complete = 0 self.failed = False
[docs]class VerboseConsoleReporter(BaseReporter): """Prints out verbose run progress to stdout. An example readout is as follows: :: DATE/TIME [ 0/18 - 0.00%] **Started ** Task 2: kneaddata DATE/TIME [ 0/18 - 0.00%] **Started ** Task 0: kneaddata DATE/TIME [ 1/18 - 5.56%] **Completed** Task 0: kneaddata DATE/TIME [ 1/18 - 5.56%] **Started ** Task 4: DATE/TIME [ 2/18 - 11.11%] **Completed** Task 2: kneaddata The readout is composed of five pieces of information: 1. The date/time for the status message. 2. The status of all tasks. For example, [1/4 - 25%] indicates that one task of the four total tasks have finished running. The workflow is 25% complete. 3. The step the task has completed. Examples are "Started" and "Completed". 4. The task number. 5. The task description. This is the task name if set. If the task name is the default then it is the first task action. This is the first command and it is limited to the executable name. If it is a function, it will be the name of the function. """
[docs] class stats: skip = six.u("Skipped") fail = six.u("Failed") done = six.u("Completed") start = six.u("Started") ready = six.u("Ready") grid_run = six.u("GridJob") max_message_length = max(len(x) for x in [skip,fail,done,start,ready,grid_run])
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.failed_results = list() # Use a multiprocessing value so the total tasks completed is shared # for the local multiprocessing tasks (is process and thread-safe) self.n_complete = multiprocessing.Value('i',0) # Set the max length for the total output line self.max_length=120 def _msg(self, status, task_name, description, id, visible=True, grid_update=None): # create a date/time string s = time.strftime("(%b %d %H:%M:%S) ", time.localtime()) # create a message string for the current status s += self.msg_str.format(self.n_complete.value, self.n_tasks, (float(self.n_complete.value)/self.n_tasks)*100, status, id, description) # if command string is reduced, add ellipses if len(description) > self.max_command_length: s += " ..." if grid_update: s += self.grid_update_msg.format(grid_update[0], grid_update[1]) s += six.u("\n") # only write if the task is visible if visible is True: sys.stdout.write(s) def _increment_complete(self, task_no): # update the number of completed visible tasks if self.run_context.tasks[task_no].visible: self.n_complete.value+=1
[docs] def started(self, ctx): self.run_context = ctx self.reset()
[docs] def task_started(self, task_no): # This indicates the task is ready and waiting in the queue self._msg(self.stats.ready, self.run_context.tasks[task_no].name, self.run_context.tasks[task_no].description, task_no, visible=self.run_context.tasks[task_no].visible)
[docs] def task_running(self, task_no): self._msg(self.stats.start, self.run_context.tasks[task_no].name, self.run_context.tasks[task_no].description, task_no, visible=self.run_context.tasks[task_no].visible)
[docs] def task_skipped(self, task_no): self._increment_complete(task_no) self._msg(self.stats.skip, self.run_context.tasks[task_no].name, self.run_context.tasks[task_no].description, task_no, visible=self.run_context.tasks[task_no].visible)
[docs] def task_failed(self, task_result): self._increment_complete(task_result.task_no) if task_result.task_no is None: return name = self.run_context.tasks[task_result.task_no].name self.failed_results.append((name, task_result)) self._msg(, name, self.run_context.tasks[task_result.task_no].description, task_result.task_no, visible=self.run_context.tasks[task_result.task_no].visible)
[docs] def task_completed(self, task_result): self._increment_complete(task_result.task_no) name = self.run_context.tasks[task_result.task_no].name self._msg(self.stats.done, name, self.run_context.tasks[task_result.task_no].description, task_result.task_no, visible=self.run_context.tasks[task_result.task_no].visible)
[docs] def task_grid_status(self, task_no, grid_id, status_message): self._msg(self.stats.grid_run, self.run_context.tasks[task_no].name, self.run_context.tasks[task_no].description, task_no, visible=True, grid_update=[grid_id, status_message])
[docs] def task_grid_status_polling(self, task_no, grid_id, status_message): self.task_grid_status(task_no, grid_id, status_message)
[docs] def finished(self): sys.stdout.write(six.u("Run Finished\n")) for name, result in self.failed_results: sys.stdout.write(six.u("Task {} failed\n".format(result.task_no))) sys.stdout.write(six.u(" Name: "+name+"\n")) sys.stdout.write(six.u(" Original error: \n")) for line in result.error.split("\n"): print_line="".join(filter(lambda x: x in string.printable, line)) sys.stdout.write(six.u(" "+print_line+"\n")) self.reset()
[docs] def reset(self): # count the number of visible tasks self.n_tasks = 0 for task in self.run_context.tasks: if task.visible: self.n_tasks+=1 # limit the full string length max_task_length=len(str(self.n_tasks)) self.max_command_length = self.max_length -(20+max_task_length*3+20+self.stats.max_message_length) self.msg_str = six.u("[{:"+str(max_task_length)+"}/{:"+str(max_task_length)+ "} - {:6.2f}%] **{:"+str(self.stats.max_message_length)+ "}** Task {:"+str(max_task_length)+ "}: {:."+str(self.max_command_length)+"}") self.grid_update_msg = six.u(" <Grid JobId {:9}: {:.30}>") self.n_complete.value = 0 self.failed = False
SHELL_COMMAND = "Executing with shell: " VERSION_COMMAND = "Tracked executable version: "
[docs]class LoggerReporter(BaseReporter): """A reporter that uses :mod:`logging`. :param loglevel_str: The logging level. Valid levels: subdebug, debug, info, subwarning, warning, error :type loglevel_str: str :param logfile: The file to log to. Defaults to stdout. :type logfile: str or file-like :param fmt_str: The log format. See :mod:`logging` for more information :type fmt_str: str """ FORMAT = "%(asctime)s\t%(name)s\t%(funcName)s\t%(levelname)s: %(message)s" def __init__(self, loglevel_str=None, logfile=None, fmt_str=None, *args, **kwargs): # create the log file folder if needed if logfile: mkdirp(os.path.dirname(logfile)) self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) self.loglevel_str = loglevel_str.upper() or logging.WARNING loglevel = getattr(logging, self.loglevel_str) logkwds = {"format": fmt_str or self.FORMAT, "level": loglevel } if logfile and hasattr(logfile, "write"): logkwds['stream'] = logfile elif logfile and isinstance(logfile, six.string_types): logkwds['filename'] = logfile logging.basicConfig(**logkwds) self.any_failed = False self.start_log_message="task %i, %s : %s "
[docs] @classmethod def read_log(cls,file,type,remove_paths=True): """ Read the data from the log file """ # read all of the lines from the log data=collections.OrderedDict() with open(file) as file_handle: lines=file_handle.readlines() # look for commands, benchmarking, or executable version information log_info={} if type == "commands": keyword=SHELL_COMMAND for line in lines: if keyword in line: new_command=line.split(keyword)[-1].strip() if remove_paths: new_command=" ".join([os.path.split(i.rstrip(os.path.sep))[-1] for i in new_command.split(" ")]) data[new_command]=1 log_info=list(data.keys()) elif type == "benchmarking": benchmarking_info={} # read in the commands and also the benchmarking information for i in range(len(lines)): if "run_task_command" in lines[i]: # get the id and the executable plus input item id=lines[i].split()[-1].strip().replace(":","") command_tokens=lines[i+1].strip().split() executable=command_tokens[0] try: input=os.path.split(command_tokens[command_tokens.index("--input")+1])[-1] except (ValueError, IndexError): input="NA" log_info[id]="\t".join([executable, input]) elif "Benchmark" in lines[i]: # get the job id and benchmarking info id=lines[i].split()[-1].strip().replace(":","") info="\t".join([lines[j].strip().split(": ")[-1] for j in [i+1,i+2,i+3]]) benchmarking_info[id]=info # set the log info to include id, executable, input and benchmarking for id in benchmarking_info.keys(): if id in log_info: log_info[id]=log_info[id]+"\t"+benchmarking_info[id] elif type == "variables": # read in the variables set for the workflow # use the last variable values for workflow with more than one run for line in lines: if "started\tINFO:" in line and " = " in line: data = line.rstrip().split(": ")[-1] try: variable, value = data.split(" = ") log_info[variable]=value except ValueError: pass else: keyword = VERSION_COMMAND # remove redundant version from strings since these are already # identified as version information format_output=lambda x: x.replace("Version:","").replace(", version","") for line in lines: if keyword in line: data[format_output(line.split(keyword)[-1].strip())]=1 log_info=list(data.keys()) if not log_info: log_info=["No {} found in log".format(type)] return log_info
def _daginfo(self, task_no): children = self.run_context.dag.successors(task_no) parents = self.run_context.dag.predecessors(task_no) msg = " {} parents: {}. {} children: {}." return msg.format(len(parents), parents, len(children), children)
[docs] def log_event(self, msg, task_no, debug_msg=None): visible=self.run_context.tasks[task_no].visible description=self.run_context.tasks[task_no].description # If in debug level and debug message is provided, append to end of message if self.loglevel_str == "DEBUG" and debug_msg is not None: msg=msg+" : "+debug_msg # Write tasks that are not visible to log on debug level if visible:, task_no, description, msg) else: self.logger.debug(self.start_log_message, task_no, description, msg)
[docs] def started(self, ctx): self.run_context = ctx"Beginning AnADAMA run with %i tasks.", len(self.run_context.tasks)) # if there are workflow variables set, add them to the log try: options=vars(ctx.vars.get_option_values()) except (AttributeError, TypeError): options={} if options:"Workflow configuration options") for name, value in options.items():"{} = {}".format(name, value))
[docs] def task_skipped(self, task_no): self.log_event("skipped", task_no, self._daginfo(task_no))
[docs] def task_started(self, task_no): self.log_event("ready and waiting for resources", task_no, self._daginfo(task_no))
[docs] def task_running(self, task_no): self.log_event("starting to run",task_no,self._daginfo(task_no))
[docs] def task_command(self, task_no): # if a tracked executable is found, then log the version for exe_depends in filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, TrackedExecutable), self.run_context.tasks[task_no].depends): version = exe_depends.version() if version:" "+version) # if a command, then log the shell command(s) if not list(filter(lambda x: six.callable(x), self.run_context.tasks[task_no].actions)):" "+" ".join(self.run_context.tasks[task_no].actions))
[docs] def task_failed(self, task_result): self.logger.error(self.start_log_message,task_result.task_no, self.run_context.tasks[task_result.task_no].description, " Failed! Error message : {}".format(task_result.error)) self.any_failed = True
[docs] def task_grid_status(self, task_no, grid_id, status_message): self.log_event(" grid job id {} has status {}".format(grid_id, status_message), task_no, self.run_context.tasks[task_no].description)
[docs] def task_grid_status_polling(self, task_no, grid_id, status_message): self.logger.debug(self.start_log_message, task_no, self.run_context.tasks[task_no].description, " grid job id {} has status {}".format(grid_id, status_message))
[docs] def task_completed(self, task_result): self.log_event("completed successfully",task_result.task_no)
[docs] def finished(self): if self.any_failed: self.logger.error("AnADAMA run finished with errors.") else:"AnADAMA run finished.")
[docs]class WebhookReporter(BaseReporter): """TODO""" pass