Source code for anadama2.util

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function
import re
import os
import sys
import json
import zlib
import errno
import inspect
import fnmatch
import mimetypes
import contextlib
import unicodedata
from functools import wraps
from collections import namedtuple
from multiprocessing import cpu_count

import six
from six.moves import zip_longest

from .. import Task

if == 'posix' and sys.version_info[0] < 3:
    import subprocess32 as subprocess
    import subprocess

max_cpus = max(1, cpu_count()-1)

[docs]class SparseMetadataException(ValueError): pass
biopython_to_metaphlan = { "fasta": "multifasta", "fastq": "multifastq", "bam" : "bam", }
[docs]def first(iterable): return next(iter(iterable))
[docs]def intatleast1(n): return max(1, int(n))
[docs]def generator_flatten(gen): for item in gen: if inspect.isgenerator(item) or type(item) in (list, tuple): for value in generator_flatten(item): yield value else: yield item
[docs]def guess_seq_filetype(guess_from): guess_from = os.path.split(guess_from)[-1] if'\.f.*q(\.gz|\.bz2)?$', guess_from): #fastq, fnq, fq return 'fastq' elif'\.f.*a(\.gz|\.bz2)?$', guess_from): #fasta, fna, fa return 'fasta' elif guess_from.endswith('.sff'): return 'sff' elif guess_from.endswith('.bam'): return 'bam' elif guess_from.endswith('.sam'): return 'sam'
[docs]def dict_to_cmd_opts_iter(opts_dict, shortsep=" ", longsep="=", shortdash="-", longdash="--"): """sep separates long options and their values, singlesep separates short options and their values e.g. --long=foobar vs -M 2 """ if longsep is None: longkv = lambda k, v: (longdash+k, v) else: longkv = lambda k, v: longdash + k + longsep + v if shortsep is None: shortkv = lambda k, v: (shortdash+k, v) else: shortkv = lambda k, v: shortdash + k + shortsep + v for key, val in opts_dict.items(): kv = longkv if len(key) > 1 else shortkv if val is False or None: continue elif val is True: yield longdash+key if len(key) > 1 else shortdash+key elif type(val) in (tuple, list): for subval in val: yield kv(key, subval) else: yield kv(key, str(val))
[docs]def dict_to_cmd_opts(*args, **kwds): return " ".join(dict_to_cmd_opts_iter(*args, **kwds))
[docs]def mkdirp(path): try: return os.makedirs(path) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(path): pass else: raise
[docs]def is_compressed(fname): recognized_compression_types = ("gzip", "bzip2") return mimetypes.guess_type(fname)[1] in recognized_compression_types
[docs]def filter_compressed(fname_list): """Return only files that are known to be compressed and in a recognized compression format""" return [ (i,fname) for i,fname in enumerate(fname_list) if is_compressed(fname) ]
[docs]def which_compressed_idxs(fname_mtx): for i, raw_tuple in enumerate(fname_mtx): for j, fname in enumerate(raw_tuple): if is_compressed(fname): yield i, j
[docs]def take(raw_seq_files, index_list): return [ raw_seq_files[i][j] for i, j in index_list ]
### # Serialization things
[docs]class SerializationError(TypeError): pass
[docs]def deserialize_csv(file_handle): for i, line in enumerate(file_handle): cols = line.split('\t') if line.strip() == "": continue if len(cols) < 2: raise AttributeError( "Improper formatting in file %s - " "only %d column(s) found on line %d" % (, len(cols), i) ) yield ( cols[0], [ col.strip() for col in cols[1:] ] )
[docs]def deserialize_map_file(file_handle): """Returns a list of namedtuples according to the contents of the file_handle according to the customs of QIIME """ mangle = lambda field: re.sub(r'\s+', '_', field.strip().replace('#', '')) header_line = file_handle.readline() if not header_line: return header = [ mangle(s) for s in header_line.split('\t') ] cls = namedtuple('Sample', header, rename=True) i = 1 for row in file_handle: i+=1 if row.startswith('#'): continue try: yield cls._make([ r.strip() for r in row.split('\t') ]) except TypeError: raise SparseMetadataException( "Unable to deserialize sample-specific metadata:"+\ " The file %s has missing values at row %i" %(, i) )
[docs]def serialize_map_file(namedtuples, output_fname): namedtuples_iter = iter(namedtuples) with open(output_fname, 'w') as map_file: first = next(namedtuples_iter) map_file.write(six.u("#"+"\t".join(first._fields)+"\n")) map_file.write(six.u("\t".join(first)+"\n")) for record in namedtuples_iter: map_file.write(six.u("\t".join(record)+"\n"))
def _defaultfunc(obj): try: return obj._serializable_attrs except AttributeError: pass if hasattr(obj, 'isoformat'): return obj.isoformat() raise SerializationError("Unable to serialize object %s" %(obj))
[docs]def serialize(obj, to_fp=None): if to_fp: return json.dump(obj, to_fp, default=_defaultfunc) else: return json.dumps(obj, default=_defaultfunc)
[docs]def deserialize(s=None, from_fp=None): if s: return json.loads(s) elif from_fp: return json.load(from_fp)
[docs]class SerializableMixin(object): """Mixin that defines a few methods to simplify serializing objects """ serializable_attrs = [] @property def _serializable_attrs(self): if hasattr(self, "_custom_serialize"): return self._custom_serialize() else: return dict([ (key, getattr(self, key)) for key in self.serializable_attrs ])
[docs]def islambda(func): return getattr(func,'func_name') == '<lambda>'
[docs]def memoized(func): cache = func.cache = {} @wraps(func) def memoizer(*args, **kwargs): if args not in cache: cache[args] = func(*args, **kwargs) return cache[args] return memoizer
_PATH_list = None
[docs]@memoized def find_on_path(bin_str): """ Finds an executable living on the shells PATH variable. :param bin_str: String; executable to find :returns: Absolute path to `bin_str` or False if not found :rtype: str """ global _PATH_list if _PATH_list is None: _PATH_list = os.environ['PATH'].split(':') for dir_ in _PATH_list: candidate = os.path.join(dir_, bin_str) if os.path.exists(candidate) and os.access(candidate, os.X_OK): return candidate return False
[docs]def partition(it, binsize, pad=None): iters = [iter(it)]*binsize return zip_longest(fillvalue=pad, *iters)
def _adler32(fname): """Compute the adler32 checksum on a file. :param fname: File path to the file to checksum :type fname: str """ with open(fname, 'rb') as f: checksum = 1 while True: buf =*1024*8) if not buf: break checksum = zlib.adler32(buf, checksum) return checksum
[docs]class ShellException(OSError): pass
[docs]def sh(cmd, **kwargs): kwargs['stdout'] = kwargs.get('stdout', subprocess.PIPE) kwargs['stderr'] = kwargs.get('stderr', subprocess.PIPE) proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, **kwargs) ret = proc.communicate() if proc.returncode: msg = "Command `{}' failed. \nOut: {}\nErr: {}" raise ShellException(proc.returncode, msg.format(cmd, ret[0], ret[1])) return ret
[docs]class Bag(object): pass
[docs]class HasNoEqual(object): def __eq__(self, other): return False
[docs]class Directory(object): def __init__(self, name): = os.path.abspath(name)
[docs] def files(self, pattern=None): names = [ f for f in os.listdir( if f not in ('.', '..') ] if pattern: names = fnmatch.filter(names, pattern) return names
[docs] def exists(self): return os.path.isdir(
[docs] def create(self): try: os.mkdir( except OSError as e: if e.errno != 17: #already exists raise
def __str__(self): return"/" def __repr__(self): return "Directory('{}/')".format(
[docs]def noop(*args, **kwargs): return None
[docs]def istask(x): return isinstance(x, Task)
[docs]def isnottask(x): return not isinstance(x, Task)
[docs]def underscore(s, repl=r'[\s/:@\,*?]+'): """Remove all whitespace and replace with underscores""" return re.sub(repl, '_', s)
[docs]def sugar_list(x): """Turns just a single thing into a list containing that single thing. """ if istask(x) \ or not hasattr(x, "__iter__") \ or isinstance(x, six.string_types): return [x] else: return x
[docs]def keepkeys(d, keys): """Drop all keys from dictionary ``d`` except those in ``keys``. Modifies the dictionary in place! :param d: The dictionary to modify :type d: dict :param keys: The keys to keep :type keys: iterable """ ks = set(list(keys)) to_rm = [k for k in d.keys() if k not in ks] for k in to_rm: del d[k] return d
[docs]def keyrename(d, mapping): """Change all keys in dictionary ``d`` according to ``mapping``. Modifies ``d`` in place! :param d: The dictionary to change :type d: dict :param mapping: The keys to change and to what to change them :type mapping: iterable of 2-tuples """ for frm, to in mapping: d[to] = d.pop(frm) return d
[docs]def dichotomize(it, tf_func): """Split an iterable into two lists by use of a function that returns True or False. :param it: The items to split :param tf_func: A function that returns True or False :returns: 2-Tuple of lists: the items for which the function returned True, and the items for which the function returned False """ t, f, = list(), list() for item in it: if tf_func(item): t.append(item) else: f.append(item) return t, f
[docs]def kebab(s): """Kebab-case a string. Intra-string whitespace is converted to ``-`` and unfriendly characters are dropped.""" if type(s) is six.text_type: s = unicodedata.normalize("NFKD", s).encode("ascii", "ignore") if six.PY3: s = s.decode("ascii") s = re.sub(r"[\s-]+", '-', s) return re.sub(r"""['".,\[\]{}!@#$%^&*()_=+|\\`~><\d]+""", '', s).rstrip('-')
[docs]def get_name(t): """Get the name of a tracked object :param t: The tracked object :type t: objects implementing the :class:`anadama2.tracked.Base` interface """ return
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def capture(stderr=None, stdout=None): if stderr: saved_stderr = sys.stderr sys.stderr = stderr if stdout: saved_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = stdout yield if stderr: sys.stderr = saved_stderr if stdout: sys.stdout = saved_stdout