Source code for anadama2.workflow

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import re
import shlex
import fnmatch
import logging
import itertools
from operator import attrgetter, itemgetter
from collections import deque, defaultdict
import copy
import subprocess

import six
from six.moves import filter, map
import networkx as nx
from networkx.algorithms.traversal.depth_first_search import dfs_edges

from . import Task
from . import tracked
from . import grid as _grid
from . import reporters
from . import backends
from . import runners
from .cli import Configuration
from .taskcontainer import TaskContainer
from .helpers import format_command
from .util import matcher, noop, find_on_path
from .util import istask, sugar_list, dichotomize
from .util import keepkeys
from .util import fname
from .grid.slurm import Slurm
from .grid.sge import SGE
from .document import PweaveDocument

second = itemgetter(1)
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class RunFailed(ValueError): pass
[docs]class Workflow(object): """Create a Workflow. :keyword storage_backend: Lookup and save dependency information from this object. If ``None`` is passed (the default), the default backend from :func:`anadama2.backends.default` is used. :type storage_backend: instance of any :class:`anadama2.backends.BaseBackend` subclass or None. :keyword grid: Use this object to configure the run context to submit tasks to a compute grid. :type grid: objects implementing the interface of :class:`anadama2.grid.Dummy :keyword strict: Enable strict mode. If strict, whenever a task is added that depends on something that is not the target of another task (or isn't marked with :math:`anadama2.workflow.Workflow.already_exists`), raise a ``KeyError``. If not strict, and the Tracked object ``.exists()`` automatically do what's necessary to track the object; if ``.exists()`` is False, raise a KeyError. :type strict: bool :keyword vars: Provide a custom Configuration class for command line options. :type vars: instance of any :class:`anadama2.cli.Configuration` class or None. :keyword version: The version of the workflow. This version will be used for the command line option ``--version``. :type version: str :keyword description: A description of the workflow. This description will be used in the command line ``--help`` message. :type description: str :keyword remove_options: A list of options to remove :type remove_options: list :keyword document: Provide a custom Document class. :type: document: instance of any :class: `anadama2.Document' class or None. """ def __init__(self, storage_backend=None, grid=None, strict=False, vars=None, version=None, description=None, remove_options=None, document=None, cli=True): self.task_counter = itertools.count() self.dag = nx.DiGraph() #: tasks is a :class:`anadama2.taskcontainer.TaskContainer` #: filled with objects of type :class:`anadama2.Task`. This #: list is populated as new tasks are added via #: :meth:`anadama2.workflow.Workflow.add_task` and #: :meth:`` self.tasks = TaskContainer() #: task_results is a list of objects of type #: :class:`anadama2.runners.TaskResult`. This list is populated #: only after tasks have been run with #: :meth:`anadama2.workflow.Workflow.go`. self.task_results = list() self._depidx = tracked.DependencyIndex() if grid: self.grid = grid self.grid_set = True else: self.grid = _grid.Dummy() self.grid_set = False self.strict = strict self.vars = vars or Configuration(description=description, version=version, defaults=True, remove_options=remove_options, prompt_user=cli) if document: self.document=document else: self.document=PweaveDocument() self._backend=None if storage_backend: self._backend = storage_backend logger.debug("Instantiated run context") def _get_grid(self): """Return the grid instance. First check if a grid instance has already been set or was provided initially. If not, set the grid based on the command line options. A dummy grid is set if the option to run is not provided on the command line. In this case, all tasks will run locally.""" # if the grid has already been set by the user, then return if self.grid_set: return self.grid # get the grid selection set on the command line grid_selection = self.vars.get("grid") grid_partition = self.vars.get("grid_partition") grid_jobs = self.vars.get("grid_jobs") grid_options = self.vars.get("grid_options") grid_environment = self.vars.get("grid_environment") grid_benchmark_setting = True if self.vars.get("grid_benchmark") == "on" else False # get the temp directory location tmpdir=self.vars.get("output") if tmpdir is None: # if no output folder is provided, then write to the current working directory tmpdir = os.getcwd() # set the grid instance based on the user option # if no grid jobs are selected, then no grid will be used if grid_jobs == 0: grid = _grid.Dummy() elif grid_selection == "slurm": # get the temp output folder for the slurm scripts and stdout/stderr files tmpdir = os.path.join(tmpdir, "slurm_files") grid = Slurm(partition=grid_partition, tmpdir=tmpdir, benchmark_on = grid_benchmark_setting, options=grid_options, environment=grid_environment) elif grid_selection == "sge": # get the temp output folder for the sge scripts and stdout/stderr files tmpdir = os.path.join(tmpdir, "sge_files") grid = SGE(partition=grid_partition, tmpdir=tmpdir, benchmark_on = grid_benchmark_setting, options=grid_options, environment=grid_environment) else: print("Grid selected ( "+grid_selection+" ) can not be found. Tasks will run locally.") grid = _grid.Dummy() self.grid=grid self.grid_set=True return self.grid
[docs] def add_argument(self, name, **kwargs): """This function adds an argument to the configuration object provided to the workflow. Arguments can alternatively be added to the configuration object before it is provided to the workflow. See the ``add`` function documentation for your Configuration class, for more information. The default configuration class is :class:`anadama2.cli.Configuration`.""" self.vars.add(name, **kwargs)
[docs] def parse_args(self): """Return the arguments parsed from the command line. Arguments are returned in the same format as calling argparse.parse_args(). An object with an attribute for each argument is returned. This custom object includes error reporting to aid the user in debugging when trying to get an argument that is not included in the list of command line arguments.""" # return the arguments return self.vars.get_option_values()
[docs] def get_input_files(self, extension=None, name=None): """Return the files in the input folder filtered with the extension or name if provided. The input folder default can be set in the workflow or it can be provided on the command line by the user. :keyword extension: Return input files with this extension :type extension: str :keyword name: Return input files with this name :type name: str :returns: A list of files """ # get the contents of the input folder (with the full paths) input = os.path.abspath(self.vars.get("input")) input_folder_contents = map(lambda file: os.path.join(input, file), os.listdir(input)) # filter out contents to only include files input_files = [item for item in input_folder_contents if os.path.isfile(item)] # if extension is set, then filter files if extension: input_files = list(filter(lambda file: file.endswith(extension), input_files)) # if name is set, then filter files to only those with the exact name if name: input_files = list(filter(lambda file: os.path.basename(file) == name, input_files)) return input_files
[docs] def name_output_files(self, name, tag=None, extension=None, subfolder=None): """Return names of files in the output folder use the name(s), tag, extension, and subfolder provided. The output folder default can be set in the workflow or it can be provided on the command line by the user. :parameter name: The name(s) of the output file(s) :type name: str or list :keyword tag: Add tag to the basename :type tag: str :keyword extension: Add extension to file name :type extension: str :keyword subfolder: Add the subfolder to the path to the file :type subfolder: str :returns: A list of file names """ # if the name is a string, convert to list convert_to_string=False if not isinstance(name, list): name=[name] convert_to_string=True # get the output folder name output_folder = os.path.abspath(self.vars.get("output")) # add the subfolder if provided if subfolder: output_folder = os.path.join(output_folder, subfolder) # Add tag and extension to file names output_files = [ fname.mangle(file, tag=tag, dir=output_folder, ext=extension) for file in name] # If the input was a single string, then convert output to single string if convert_to_string: output_files=output_files[0] return output_files
[docs] def do(self, cmd, track_cmd=True, track_binaries=True): """Create and add a :class:`anadama2.Task` to the workflow using a convenient, shell-like syntax. To explicitly mark task targets, wrap filenames within ``cmd`` with ``[t:]``. Similarly, wrap dependencies with ``[d:]``. The literal ``[t:]`` and ``[d:]`` characters will be stripped out prior to execution by the shell. Below are some examples of using ``do``: .. code:: python from anadama2 import Workflow ctx = Workflow()"wget -qO- > [t:my_ip.txt]")"sed 's|.*Address: \(.*[0-9]\)<.*|\1|' [d:my_ip.txt] > [t:ip.txt]")"whois $(cat [d:ip.txt]) > [t:whois.txt]") ctx.go() Variables from the workflow configuration can also be used inside ``cmd``. These are wrapped with ``[v:]``: .. code:: python from anadama2 import Workflow ctx = Workflow()"wget -qO- > [v:output]/[t:my_ip.txt]") ctx.go() Modifiers inside the square brackets can be mixed and matched: .. code:: python from anadama2 import Workflow from anadama2.cli import Configuration ctx = Workflow(vars=Configuration().add("input", type="dir"))"tar c [vd:input] | gzip -c > [t:output.tgz]") ctx.go() By default, changes made to ``cmd`` are tracked; any changes to ``cmd`` will cause this task to be rerun. Set ``track_cmd`` to False to disable this behavior. Also by default, AnADAMA tries to discover pre-existing, small files in ``cmd`` and treat them as dependencies. This feature is intended to automatically track the scripts and binaries used in ``cmd``. Thus, this task will be re-run if any of the binaries or scripts change. Set ``track_binaries`` to False to disable this behavior. :param cmd: The shell command to add to the workflow. Wrap a target filename in ``[t:]`` and wrap a dependency filename in ``[d:]``. Variables from workflow configuration can be substituted into the command by wrapping the variable name in ``[v:]``. :type cmd: str :keyword track_cmd: Set to False to not track changes to ``cmd``. :type track_cmd: bool :keyword track_binaries: Set to False to not discover files within ``cmd`` and treat them as dependencies. :type track_binaries: bool :returns: The :class:`anadama2.Task` just created """ targs, ds = [], [] def _repl(match): modifiers, name = match.groups() if 'v' in modifiers: name = self.vars.get(name) or _miss_exc(name) if 'd' in modifiers: ds.append(name) elif 't' in modifiers: targs.append(name) return str(name) sh_cmd = re.sub(r'\[([vdt]+):([^][]+)\]', _repl, cmd) if track_cmd: ns = os.path.abspath(tracked.Container.key(None)) varname = "task_{}_command".format(len(self.tasks)+1) d = tracked.TrackedVariable(ns, varname, sh_cmd) ds.append(d) if track_binaries: to_preexist = [] for binary in discover_binaries(cmd): to_preexist.append(binary) ds.append(binary) if to_preexist: self.already_exists(*to_preexist) return self.add_task(sh_cmd, depends=ds, targets=targs, name=sh_cmd, interpret_deps_and_targs=False)
[docs] def do_gridable(self, cmd, track_cmd=True, track_binaries=True, **gridopts): """Add a task to be launched on a grid computing system as specified in the ``grid`` option of :class:`anadama2.workflow.Workflow`. By default, this method is a synonym for :meth:``. Please see the ``add_task`` documentation for your powerup of choice e.g. :meth:`` for information on options to provide to this method. """ t =, track_cmd, track_binaries) self._get_grid().do(t, **gridopts) return t
[docs] def add_document(self, templates, depends=None, targets=None, vars=None, table_of_contents=None): """ Create and add a group of :class:`anadama2.Task` to the workflow. This task will create a document which will be the target(s) provided. The variables will be passed on to the template and be available when the document is generated from the template. The document class provided to the workflow will be used to create the document.""" doc = copy.deepcopy(self.document) doc.__init__(templates, depends, targets, vars, table_of_contents) return self.add_task(actions=doc.create, depends=depends, targets=targets, interpret_deps_and_targs=False, name="document")
[docs] def add_archive(self, depends, targets, archive_software=None, remove_log=None): """ Create an archive including the dependencies. Name it the target. This adds a :class:`anadama2.Task` to the workflow to create the archive. """ # convert the depends and targets to lists if strings # update to absolute paths depends=sugar_list(depends) targets=[os.path.abspath(target) for target in sugar_list(targets)] # get the absolute path to the output folder if not self.vars.get("output") is None: output_folder = os.path.abspath(self.vars.get("output")) else: output_folder = None # determine the archive software based on the target extension if archive_software is None: if targets[0].endswith(".zip"): archive_software = "zip" else: archive_software = "tar" # get the archive extension if archive_software == "zip": extension=".zip" else: extension=".tar"+targets[0].split("tar")[-1] # normalize a path to remove any extra separators included by the user # allows joining a folder ending with a separator with an extension as a target targets[0]=targets[0].replace(os.pathsep+extension,extension) # remove any tasks from the depends list of archive inputs archive_inputs=list(filter(lambda x: not isinstance(x,Task), depends)) # if there is an output folder, change the depends to relative paths # so the full path is not included in the archive if output_folder is not None: archive_inputs=[os.path.relpath(file, start=output_folder) for file in archive_inputs] # check that the software is installed to create the archive try: output=subprocess.check_output([archive_software,"--help"]) except EnvironmentError: raise EnvironmentError("Unable to archive document with software requested. Please install " +archive_software) # get the possible location of the db folder and the log document_db_folder="*"+backends.LOCAL_DB_FOLDER+"*" document_log=reporters.LOG_FILE_NAME # create the command always removing the database, if found # if the database is not found this will not issue an error it just will not be excluded if archive_software == "zip": command=["zip","-r",targets[0]] command+=archive_inputs command+=["-x",document_db_folder] if remove_log: command+=["-x",document_log] elif archive_software == "tar": if targets[0].endswith(".tar.gz"): settings="czvf" elif targets[0].endswith(".tar"): settings="cvf" elif targets[0].endswith(".tar.bz2"): settings="cjvf" else: raise TypeError("Unknown archive software extension. Please use .tar.gz, .tar, or .tar.bz2 with tar software.") command=["tar",settings,targets[0]] command+=archive_inputs command+=["--exclude",document_db_folder] if remove_log: command+=["--exclude",document_log] else: raise TypeError("Unknown archive software provided. Please select zip or tar with .tar.gz or .tar or .tar.bz2") # move to the directory of the output folder to not include full paths in archives # if there is an output folder being used if output_folder is not None: cwd=os.getcwd() command=["cd",output_folder,";"]+command+[";","cd",cwd] command=" ".join(command) return self.add_task(actions=command, depends=depends, targets=targets, interpret_deps_and_targs=False, name="archive")
[docs] def add_task_group(self, actions=None, depends=None, targets=None, name=[None], interpret_deps_and_targs=True, **kwargs): """Create and add a group of :class:`anadama2.Task` to the workflow. This function will create a task for each set of depends and targets provided. The number of targets and dependencies should be the same. This function will call ``add_task`` for each task in the group. Please see the ``add_task`` documentation for more information.""" task_group=[] for deps, targs, tname in zip(depends, targets, itertools.cycle(sugar_list(name))): task_group.append(self.add_task(actions, deps, targs, tname, interpret_deps_and_targs, **kwargs)) return task_group
[docs] def add_task_group_gridable(self, actions=None, depends=None, targets=None, name=[None], interpret_deps_and_targs=True, **kwargs): """Create gridable tasks as a group.""" task_group=[] for deps, targs, tname in zip(depends, targets, itertools.cycle(sugar_list(name))): task = self.add_task(actions, deps, targs, tname, interpret_deps_and_targs, **kwargs) task_group.append(task) self._get_grid().add_task(task, **kwargs) return task_group
[docs] def add_task(self, actions=None, depends=None, targets=None, name=None, visible=True, interpret_deps_and_targs=True, **kwargs): """Create and add a :class:`anadama2.Task` to the workflow. This function can be used as a decorator to set a function as the sole action. Extra keyword arguments can be used as formatting values similar to ``[depends[0]]``. See :func:`anadama2.helpers.parse_sh` :param actions: The actions to be performed to complete the task. Strings or lists of strings are interpreted as shell commands according to :func:`anadama2.helpers.parse_sh`. If given just a string or just a callable, this method treats it as a one-item list of the string or callable. :type actions: str or callable or list of str or list of callable :param depends: The dependencies of the task. The task must have these dependencies before executing the actions. Strings or lists of strings are interpreted as filenames and turned into objects of type :class:`anadama2.tracked.HugeTrackedFile`. If given just a string or just a :class:`anadama2.tracked.Base`, this method treats it as a one-item list of the argument provided. :type depends: str or :class:`anadama2.tracked.Base` or list of str or list of :class:`anadama2.tracked.Base` :param targets: The targets of the task. The task must produce these targets after executing the actions to be considered as "success". Strings or lists of strings are interpreted as filenames and turned into objects of type :class:`anadama2.tracked.HugeTrackedFile`. If given just a string or just a :class:`anadama2.tracked.Base`, this method treats it as a one-item list of the argument provided. :type targets: str or :class:`anadama2.tracked.Base` or list of str or list of :class:`anadama2.tracked.Base` :param name: A name for the task. Task names must be unique within a run context. :type name: str :keyword visible: Whether to show this task on the console. Set to ``False`` if it should only be in the debug log. :type visible: bool :keyword interpret_deps_and_targs: Should I use :func:`anadama2.helpers.parse_sh` to change ``[depends[0]]`` and ``[targets[0]]`` into the first item in depends and the first item in targets? Default is True :type interpret_deps_and_targs: bool :returns: The :class:`anadama2.Task` just created """ deps = _build_depends(depends) targs = _build_targets(targets) task_no = next(self.task_counter) if not actions: # must be a decorator def finish_add_task(fn): the_task = Task(name, [fn], deps, targs, task_no, bool(visible)) self._add_task(the_task) return finish_add_task else: acts = _build_actions(actions, deps, targs, kwargs, use_parse_sh=interpret_deps_and_targs) the_task = Task(name, acts, deps, targs, task_no, bool(visible)) self._add_task(the_task) return the_task
[docs] def add_task_gridable(self, actions=None, depends=None, targets=None, name=None, interpret_deps_and_targs=True, **gridopts): """Add a task to be launched on a grid computing system as specified in the ``grid`` option of :class:`anadama2.workflow.Workflow`. By default, this method is a synonym for :meth:`anadama2.workflow.Workflow.add_task`. Please see the ``add_task`` documentation for your powerup of choice e.g. :meth:`anadama2.grid.slurm.Slurm.add_task` for information on options to provide to this method. """ if not actions: # must be a decorator def finish_grid_add_task(fn): t = self.add_task([fn], depends, targets, name) self._add_task(t) self.grid.add_task(t, **gridopts) return finish_grid_add_task else: t = self.add_task(actions, depends, targets, name, interpret_deps_and_targs, **gridopts) self._get_grid().add_task(t, **gridopts) return t
[docs] def already_exists(self, *depends): """Declare a dependency as pre-existing. That means that no task creates these dependencies; they're already there before any tasks run. .. note:: If you have a list or other iterable containing the dependencies that already exist, you can declare them all like so ``ctx.already_exists(*my_bunch_of_deps)``. :param \*depends: One or many dependencies to mark as pre-existing. :type \*depends: any argument recognized by :func:`` """ self.add_task(noop, targets=list(map(, depends)), name="Track pre-existing dependencies", visible=False)
[docs] def go(self, skip_nothing=False, quit_early=False, runner=None, reporter=None, jobs=None, grid_jobs=None, until_task=None, exclude_task=None, target=None, exclude_target=None, dry_run=False): """Kick off execution of all previously configured tasks. :keyword skip_nothing: Skip no tasks, even if you could. :type skip_nothing: bool :keyword quit_early: If any tasks fail, stop all execution immediately. If set to ``False`` (the default), children of failed tasks are *not* executed but children of successful or skipped tasks *are* executed: basically, keep going until you run out of tasks to execute. :keyword runner: The tasks to execute are passed to this object for execution. For a list of runners that come bundled with anadama, see :mod:`anadama2.runners`. Passing ``None`` (the default) uses the default runner from :func:`anadama2.runners.default`. :type runner: instance of any :class:`anadama2.runners.BaseRunner` subclass or None. :keyword reporter: As task execution proceeds, events are dispatched to this object for reporting purposes. For more information of the reporters bundled with anadama, see :mod:`anadama2.reporters`. Passing ``None`` (the default) uses the default reporter from :func:`anadama2.reporters.default`. :type reporter: instance of any :class:`anadama2.reporters.BaseReporter` subclass or None. :keyword jobs: The number of tasks to execute in parallel. This option is ignored when a custom runner is used with the ``runner`` keyword. :type jobs: int :keyword grid_jobs: The number of tasks to submit to the grid in parallel. This option is ignored when a custom runner is used with the ``runner`` keyword. This option is also a synonym for ``jobs`` if the context has no grid powerup. :type grid_jobs: int :keyword until_task: Stop after running the named task. Can refer to the end task by task number or task name. :type until_task: int or str :keyword exclude_task: Don't execute this task or any of its children. Can refer to the task by task number or task name. :type exclude_task: int or str :keyword target: Execute the necessary tasks to produce this target. If ``target`` contains ``[``, ``*``, or ``?``, it is treated as a pattern and used to match multiple targets. :type target: str :keyword exclude_target: Don't execute any tasks that will produce this target. If ``target`` contains ``[``, ``*``, or ``?``, it is treated as a pattern and used to match multiple targets. :type exclude_target: str :keyword dry_run: Don't execute any actions, just say that you did. :type dry_run: bool """ skip_nothing = skip_nothing or self.vars.get("skip_nothing") quit_early = quit_early or self.vars.get("quit_early") jobs = jobs or self.vars.get("jobs") grid_jobs = grid_jobs or self.vars.get("grid_jobs") until_task = until_task or self.vars.get("until_task") exclude_task = exclude_task or self.vars.get("exclude_task") target = target or self.vars.get("target") exclude_target = exclude_target or self.vars.get("exclude_target") dry_run = dry_run or self.vars.get("dry_run") self.completed_tasks = set() self.failed_tasks = set() self.task_results = [None for _ in range(len(self.tasks))] self._reporter = reporter or reporters.default(self.vars.get("output"),self.vars.get("log_level")) self._reporter.started(self) # if the backend is not set, then set to default if not self._backend: self._backend = backends.default(self.vars.get("output")) _runner = runner or self.grid.runner(self, jobs, grid_jobs) if dry_run: _runner = runners.DryRunner(self) _runner.quit_early = quit_early logger.debug("Sorting task_nos by network topology") task_idxs = nx.algorithms.dag.topological_sort(self.dag, reverse=True) logger.debug("Sorting complete") keep, drop = set(), set() if until_task: for task_name_or_no in sugar_list(until_task): for t in self._taskmatch(task_name_or_no): keep = keep.union(allparents(self.dag, t.task_no)) if exclude_task: for task_name_or_no in sugar_list(exclude_task): for t in self._taskmatch(task_name_or_no): drop = drop.union(allchildren(self.dag, t.task_no)) if target: for name_or_pattern in sugar_list(target): keep = self._targetmatch(keep, name_or_pattern, allparents) if exclude_target: for name_or_pattern in sugar_list(exclude_target): drop = self._targetmatch(drop, name_or_pattern, allchildren) if not keep: keep = set(task_idxs) task_idxs = list(filter((keep-drop).__contains__, task_idxs)) if not skip_nothing: task_idxs = self._filter_skipped_tasks(task_idxs) task_idxs = deque(task_idxs) _runner.run_tasks(task_idxs) self._handle_finished()
def _import(self, task_dict): keys_to_keep = ("actions", "depends", "targets", "name", "interpret_deps_and_targs") return self.add_task(**keepkeys(task_dict, keys_to_keep)) _ = _import def _handle_task_result(self, result): if result.task_no is not None: self.task_results[result.task_no] = result if result.error: self.failed_tasks.add(result.task_no) self._reporter.task_failed(result) else:, result.dep_compares) self.completed_tasks.add(result.task_no) self._reporter.task_completed(result) pxdeps = [ d for d in self.tasks[result.task_no].depends if not istask(d) and d not in self._depidx ] if pxdeps:[ for d in pxdeps], [list( for d in pxdeps]) def _handle_finished(self): self._reporter.finished() if self.failed_tasks: raise RunFailed() def _filter_skipped_tasks(self, task_idxs): should_run, idxs = dichotomize(task_idxs, self._always_rerun) should_run = set(should_run) for dep, idxs_set in self._aggregate_deps(idxs): if tracked.any_different([dep], self._backend): for idx in idxs_set: logger.debug("Can't skip task %i because of dep change", idx) should_run.add(idx) while idxs: idx = idxs.pop() if idx in should_run: continue for parent_idx in self.dag.predecessors(idx): if parent_idx in should_run: should_run.add(idx) logger.debug("Can't skip %i because it depends " "on task %i, which will be rerun", idx, parent_idx) to_run, skipped = dichotomize(task_idxs, should_run.__contains__) for idx in skipped: self._handle_task_skipped(idx) return to_run def _always_rerun(self, task_no): task = self.tasks[task_no] if not task.targets and not task.depends: logger.debug("Can't skip task %i because it " "has no targets or depends", task_no) return True return False def _aggregate_deps(self, idxs): grp = defaultdict(set) for idx in idxs: task = self.tasks[idx] for dep in itertools.chain(task.depends, task.targets): if istask(dep): continue grp[dep].add(idx) return six.iteritems(grp) def _handle_task_started(self, task_no): self._reporter.task_started(task_no) def _handle_task_skipped(self, task_no): self.completed_tasks.add(task_no) self._reporter.task_skipped(task_no) def _add_task(self, task): """Actually add a task to the internal dependency data structure""" self.tasks.append(task) self.dag.add_node(task.task_no) for dep in task.depends: if istask(dep): self.dag.add_edge(dep.task_no, task.task_no) continue if dep in self._depidx: pass elif dep.must_preexist == False: continue elif not self.strict and dep.exists(): self.already_exists(dep) try: parent_task = self._depidx[dep] except KeyError: self._handle_nosuchdep(dep, task) else: # check to see if the dependency exists but doesn't # link to a task. This would happen if someone defined # a preexisting dependency if parent_task is not None: self.dag.add_edge(parent_task.task_no, task.task_no) for targ in task.targets: # add targets to the DependencyIndex after looking up # dependencies for the current task. Hopefully this avoids # circular references, task) def _handle_nosuchdep(self, dep, task): self.tasks.pop() self.dag.remove_node(task.task_no) msg = "Unable to find dependency `{}' of type `{}'. " msg = msg.format(str(dep), type(dep)) alldeps = itertools.chain.from_iterable( [list(t.depends) + list(t.targets) for t in self.tasks] ) try: closest = matcher.find_match(dep, alldeps, key=attrgetter("name")) except: raise KeyError(msg) msg += "Perhaps you meant `{}' of type `{}'?" raise KeyError(msg.format(str(closest), type(closest))) @property def _alltargets(self): return iter( (, task.task_no) for task in self.tasks for targ in task.targets ) def _targetmatch(self, s, name_or_pattern, hier, try_cwd=False): # try the target with the full path to the current working directory if try_cwd: name_or_pattern=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), name_or_pattern) if'[?*\[]', name_or_pattern): regex = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(name_or_pattern)) matches = [ no for name, no in self._alltargets if regex.match(name) ] ret = set( sibling for match in matches for sibling in hier(self.dag, match) ) if not ret: msg = "Pattern {} matched no targets." if try_cwd: msg+=" Tried without path and then with expected path. Please provide the full path." elif not name_or_pattern.startswith(os.sep): return self._targetmatch(s, name_or_pattern, hier, try_cwd=True) raise ValueError(msg.format(name_or_pattern)) else: try: match = next( iter(no for name, no in self._alltargets if name_or_pattern == name) ) except StopIteration: msg = "Unable to find target {}.".format(name_or_pattern) if try_cwd: msg+=" Tried without path and then with expected path. Please provide the full path." elif not name_or_pattern.startswith(os.sep): return self._targetmatch(s, name_or_pattern, hier, try_cwd=True) raise ValueError(msg) ret = set(hier(self.dag, match)) return s.union(ret) def _taskmatch(self, task_name_or_number): # Find the tasks that match the name or number provided # Multiple tasks can share the same name but all will have unique numbers taskset=[] for task in self.tasks: if == task_name_or_number: taskset.append(task) elif task.task_no == task_name_or_number: taskset.append(task) return taskset
def _build_actions(actions, deps, targs, kwds, use_parse_sh=True): actions = filter(None, sugar_list(actions)) if use_parse_sh: return [ a if six.callable(a) else format_command(a, depends=deps, targets=targs, **kwds) for a in actions ] else: return [a for a in actions] def _build_depends(depends): depends = filter(None, sugar_list(depends)) return list(map(, depends)) def _build_targets(targets): targets = filter(None, sugar_list(targets)) ret = list() for targ in targets: if istask(targ): raise ValueError("Can't make a task a target") ret.append( return ret def _miss_exc(name): msg = "Unable to find configuration variable `{}'".format(name) raise Exception(msg)
[docs]def discover_binaries(s): """Search through string ``s`` and find all existing files smaller than 10MB. Return those files as a list of objects of type :class:`anadama2.tracked.TrackedExecutable`. """ ds = list() for term in shlex.split(s): if not os.path.exists(term): term = find_on_path(term) if not term: continue if os.path.isdir(term): # don't want directories continue if not os.access(term, os.F_OK | os.X_OK): # doesn't exist or can't execute continue try: dep = tracked.TrackedExecutable(term) except ValueError: continue if os.stat( < 1<<20: ds.append(dep) return ds
[docs]def allchildren(dag, task_no): kids = map(second, dfs_edges(dag, task_no)) return itertools.chain([task_no], kids)
[docs]def allparents(dag, task_no): seen = set() to_check = deque([task_no]) while to_check: idx = to_check.popleft() if idx in seen: continue seen.add(idx) to_check.extend(dag.predecessors(idx)) return seen